Natural Born Lawyers: A Scholar Challenges The Conservative Legal Movement David Deavel | July 11, 2023 David Deavel reviews Mere Natural Law, showing how it ddraws out the moral arguments present in nature.
Standing Athwart History, Redux: Review of Patrick Deneen’s “Regime Change” John Ehrett | June 16, 2023 John Ehrett ’21 wants a successful postliberal theory to have “bigger and brighter dreams” than Patrick Deneen does in “Regime Change.”
Diseconomies of Law Garrett Snedeker | July 14, 2022 Anchoring Truths co-founder Garrett Snedeker reviews Trouble at the Bar on Law and Liberty.
Founder’s Keepers: Arkes on Mary Eberstadt’s Review of Judge Robert Conrad’s “John Fisher & Thomas More” Hadley Arkes | January 6, 2022 Prof. Hadley Arkes on a review that Mary Eberstadt wrote of Judge Conrad’s book “John Fisher & Thomas More”