Converging Common Good Originalism and Common Good Constitutionalism with Josh Hammer
Minisode 3: Why Separate Powers? Visiting Fed Soc National Student Symposium at Harvard
Meritocracy Must Not Be Our Goal with Nate Fischer

Nate Fischer of New Founding joins host Garrett Snedeker for a Mini-Sode to discuss Fischer’s provocative essay in The American Mind “Meritocracy Must Not Be Our Goal.” Fischer provides some fascinating angles on why common understandings of merit in 21st-century America undermine a flourishing society.
Hadley Arkes on Why Republicans Getting Tripped Up by IVF Should Focus the Abortion Debate on Infants Born Alive
David Hume & the Origins of Liberalism with Prof. Aaron Zubia

Professor Aaron Zubia joins Anchoring Truths Podcast host Garrett Snedeker to discuss his newbook analyzing David Hume’s political theory with its implications on liberalism. Professor Zubia gives a glimpse into what the state of affairs was in the age of the Scottish Enlightenment, the ancient and Epicurean roots Hume has, and the modern applications and …