Federalist Society

‘Dobbs’ and the Conservative Legal Movement

If ‘Dobbs’ is decided following the ‘neutral principles’ of constitutional interpretation, it would not mean the end of abortion, according to Gerald Bradley, or even the beginning of the end of it. ‘Dobbs’ would instead be the start of a whole new phase of the political struggle over abortion. Yet the Constitution requires more.

How are Natural Rights Related to Just Laws?

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The Federalist Society released their latest installment in a series of videos featuring JWI Founder and Director, Professor Hadley Arkes, discussing the natural law foundations of our Constitution and jurisprudence. In this latest short clip, Professor Arkes explains how all laws in some way restrict life, liberty, or property. Therefore, our central question must be,

What is the Basis of “Natural Rights?”

What is the Basis of Natural Rights No. 86 YouTube

In this video from the Federalist Society’s No. 86 Series, JWI Founder and Director Prof. Hadley Arkes summarizes Aristotle’s study of human nature. Human beings are naturally social and political animals. The American Founders logically concluded from these premises that natural law means all men are created equal and that government properly exists only by

PODCAST: Josh Hammer on Common Good Constitutionalism and Judicial Supremacy

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Lawyer and legal commentator Josh Hammer joined JWI Deputy Director Garrett Snedeker and intern Joe Egler for a podcast recording to discuss the future of originalism in the conservative legal movement, Prof. Adrian Vermeule’s “common good constitutionalism,” and judicial supremacy. Josh Hammer is a nationally syndicated columnist and Of Counsel with First Liberty Institute. A

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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