The James Wilson Institute
May 19, 2023
Hadley Arkes on "Mere Natural Law," Role of the Judiciary, Debates within Originalism, and the Moral Foundations of the Law—Originalist Angles
May 9, 2023
VIDEO: Judge Janice Rogers Brown, 2023 Leadership & Law Award Remarks
Judge Janice Rogers Brown delivers stirring remarks on the future of the country and the role of the judge upon receiving the 2nd JWI Leadership & Law Award.
February 8, 2022
Interfaith Discussion of Natural Law
Our guest panelists discuss how Natural Law intertwines with religion and why it matters, how much natural law depends on theology, and who would benefit the most from Natural Law.
November 17, 2021
Churches: An Existence of Their Own or Creatures of the Sovereign?
JWI and First Liberty's CRCD Co-hosted a webinar with Profs. Adam MacLeod and Robert Miller. They discussed the relationship of churches and the government, and whether churches have an existence of their own or if they simply exist from a grant of the government.
July 12, 2021
Should the Declaration Inform the Constitution?: Hadley Arkes and Lee Strang Debate Transcript
JWI Founder and Director Hadley Arkes and Toledo Law School Professor Lee Strang debate whether or not originalism should utilize the natural law substance of the Declaration of Independence to answer constitutional law questions.
June 21, 2021