natural rights

Natural Law and Labor Law with Alex MacDonald

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Alex MacDonald⁠, a DC-based labor lawyer, touches on the historical roots of the right to work, the right’s connection with natural-law principles, and its return to modern jurisprudence. Informed by JWI Co-Director Hadley Arkes’s Mere Natural Law, Alex examines how that return could transform modern labor law, especially the concept of exclusive representation. This episode,

Hadley Arkes 2024 Norton Lectures at SBTS


Video Recordings of the Norton Lectures Delivered by JWI Co-Director Prof. Hadley Arkes at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 8-9, 2024. Lecture I: The Enduring Rediscovery: The Polis as a Moral Association Lecture II: On Aristotle and Political Science as the “Architectonic Science” Lecture III: The American Founding and Natural Theology – And a

First Order Truths and the Untethered Human Spirit – Part 2

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“Man was born free yet he is everywhere in chains.” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1762) Part One of this essay endeavored to sketch a framework, rooted in Natural Law, around which individuals may pursue ultimate meaning. Part Two addresses questions of existence, of God, of personal identity, and of meaning. Personal Identity Ever since their primordial exile

First Order Truths and the Untethered Human Spirit – Part I

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“In the middle of the journey of life, I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight-way was lost.” (Alighieri Dante, 1265 – 1321) Reflecting on his life, the lonely individual comes to realize he is cast into a complex and bewildering universe. He finds himself in a quandary, facing an irrepressible tension

Rightful Understanding of Freedom with Dr. Brad Littlejohn

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Join host Garrett Snedeker on this episode of the Anchoring Truths Podcast for an exciting discussion with author Brad Littlejohn, Ph.D., about his new book Called to Freedom: Retrieving Christian Liberty in an Age of License. The conversation explored conflicting definitions of liberty, the issue of expressive individualism, and misperceptions of the freedom secured by

A Religious Liberty Right to Abortion? with Frank Beckwith

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JWI Affiliated Scholar & Professor of Philosophy Frank Beckwith confronts a troubling trend among some legal scholars who, in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision, have constructed and advocated for a right to abortion rooted in religious liberty. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Casey in Dobbs, an increasing number of scholars argue

The Tragedy of “Progressive” Prosecution with Gerry Bradley

Delivered on November 1, 2024, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., we bring you the remarks of Professor Gerry Bradley from the Tragedy of “Progressive” Prosecution. Since George Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020, the U.S. has undergone a significant reevaluation of its criminal justice system and has moved towards a more “progressive”

His Wisdom Persists Into Our Modern Age: Reviewing Two Books on Abraham Lincoln


Reviewing Allen C. Guelzo, Our Ancient Faith – Lincoln, Democracy, and the American Experiment (Alfred A. Knopf, 2024) and Harold Holzer, Brought Forth On This Continent – Abraham Lincoln And American Immigration (Dutton, 2024) The character, career and enduring legacy of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, continue to fascinate and inspire both scholars and the

The Classical Understanding of Natural Law with Michael Pakaluk

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Join JWI Deputy Director Garrett Snedeker and Intern Catherine Hickam for a discussion with Prof. Michael Pakaluk about Natural Law and the traditional Thomistic and New Natural Law perspectives. Michael Pakaluk is the Ordinary Professor of Ethics and Social Philosophy at The Catholic University of America. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy at Harvard University, where he

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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