judicial review

The Administrative State Before the Supreme Court, Perspectives on the Nondelegation Doctrine – Part 2

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In Part 1 of my review of The Administrative State Before the Supreme Court, Perspectives on the Nondelegation Doctrine, I noted the widespread dissatisfaction among conservative scholars with the moribund status of the nondelegation doctrine – Congress, by inaction or indifference, has enabled Executive Branch agencies to usurp the Legislative Branch’s prerogative to enact our

PODCAST: Josh Hammer on Common Good Constitutionalism and Judicial Supremacy

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Lawyer and legal commentator Josh Hammer joined JWI Deputy Director Garrett Snedeker and intern Joe Egler for a podcast recording to discuss the future of originalism in the conservative legal movement, Prof. Adrian Vermeule’s “common good constitutionalism,” and judicial supremacy. Josh Hammer is a nationally syndicated columnist and Of Counsel with First Liberty Institute. A

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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