Diaries From Wartime: Christmas Tidings and Civilian Life in the Holy City

Image by Leo Li from Flickr. Anchoring Truths is proud to bring you Jana Paley’s Diaries from Wartime, a multipart account of her experience in Israel in the wake of the attacks by Hamas in October 2023. Anchoring Truths Co-Founder Hadley Arkes, Paley’s one-time professor at Amherst College, provides a preface to this multipart series …
PODCAST: “America on Trial”, Discussing the American founding with Robert Reilly

Robert Reilly is a writer and senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council. He has published on topics of US foreign policy and “war of ideas.” He walks us through his timely new book, America on Trial: A Defense of the Founding, which pushes back on recent theorists who have argued that the American …