The James Wilson Podcast features noted author and New York Post opinion editor Sohrab Ahmari on his book on the failings of modernity to provide mass satisfaction in the West.
Author and New York Post opinion editor Sohrab Ahmari joined JWI Deputy Director Garrett Snedeker and intern Guy Denton for a two-part discussion of his new book, The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos. In Part I, we discuss Ahmari’s inspiration for writing the book, the failings of modernity to provide mass satisfaction in the West, traditional religious communities, filial piety, and the Sexual Revolution.

Sohrab Ahmari is the op-ed editor of the New York Post, a columnist for First Things, and a contributing editor of the Catholic Herald. Previously, he served as a columnist and editor with the Wall Street Journal opinion pages in New York and London, and as senior writer at Commentary. In addition to those publications, his writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Times Literary Supplement, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Spectator, Dissent, and America.

The Unbroken Thread is available for purchase from Penguin Random House here.